December 16-20


Posted by Stacey Hall | Posted in 7.06, 7.11, 7.12, LessonPlans | Posted on December 16, 2024

Monday:  We will be reviewing for our Benchmark.  The students will be grouped into stations to work on questions.

Tuesday:  Continue with review stations. We will go over the answers and answer any questions.

Wednesday:  Benchmark exams:  Period 5th and 6th.  Regular release time.

Thursday:  Benchmark exams: Periods 1st, 3rd and 7th.  Early release at 12:15pm

Friday:  Benchmark exams:  Periods 2nd, 4th and 8th.  Early release at 12:15pm

****The benchmark study material is found in your journals.  You need to study anything that has titles of 7.6, 7.11 and 7.12.  Also, review over the periodic table parts and how to read it as well as counting atoms and identifying elements.

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